Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting of 20 March 2025, resolved to place the Draft Workforce Management Strategy on Public Exhibition.
All NSW councils use the Integrated Planning & Reporting Framework (IP&R) to guide their planning and reporting activities. The requirements for IP&R are set out in the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021. Council must post a copy of the Resourcing Strategy on its website.
Council must have a long-term Resourcing Strategy for the provision of the resources required to perform its functions. Some strategies in the Community Strategic Plan will clearly be the responsibility of the Council, some will be the responsibility of other levels of government, and some will rely on input from business and community groups.
The Resourcing Strategy consists of 3 components:
1. Long-Term Financial Plan (2025-2035)
2. Strategic Asset Management Strategy (2028)
3. Workforce Management Strategy (2028)
The Workforce Management Strategy (WMS) is a four-year document that shapes the capacity and capability of council’s workforce to ensure Council’s strategic goals and objectives are achieved. The WMS assists council to plan and address for future workforce needs. It does by considering council’s current workforce needs and capabilities, whilst also ensuring it has a diverse workforce and strategies in place to deal with change, skills shortages, an ageing workforce and succession planning. The future planning enables greater flexibility and responsiveness and place council in a stronger and more stable position for a sustainable future.
Council has an experienced workforce with 28% of employees who have served more than five years with Council, and this serves as a strength in our business continuity. Council’s workforce is further supported with new employees who will be employed under the Office of Local Government’s Fresh Start program which will inject new personnel into our workforce whilst ensuring that skills are passed onto other employees.
Council’s weaknesses and challenges are not unique to our Council and other industries, this includes:
Council does experience a number of weaknesses and challenges that are not unique to our council and other industries, this includes:
· Our financial constraints and our heavy reliance on grant funding to undertake ‘business as usual’ activities such as asset management of our roads, parks and gardens and other assets.
· Our financial uplift during the last reporting period that will likely impact on our employment numbers as those grant funds are ceased and our casual employment numbers are reduced.
· Our skills shortages in a number of areas across our business.
· Our ageing workforce including those who are likely to retire over the next five years.
· Lack of business continuity for certain positions that do not have a sustainable mid to long term back up plan.
· Our ability to compete with other sectors for wages that are in line with market standards.
· Our lack of ability to uplift wages above and beyond the Award increases due to a number of reasons including lack of funding.
· Cost shifting/Service shifting on to local government which may lead to our organisation unable to keep up.
The WMS provides five workforce strategies including:
1. Build leadership capabilities across all levels of our council including aspiring and emerging leaders.
2. Invest in our talent and ensure clear pathways for career success.
3. Create a proactive safety and wellbeing culture where managing risks is at the forefront of our day-to-day activities.
4. Attract and retain our employees.
5. Develop and implement strategies and plans to support our team to embrace a values-based culture.
Council welcomes submissions on the Draft Workforce Management Strategy 2025 - 2029 to no later than 5:00pm Monday 21 April 2025.