Waterways & Flooding

The NSW State Government’s Flood Prone Land Policy is directed at providing solutions to existing flooding problems in developed areas and to ensuring that new development is compatible with the flood hazard and does not create additional flooding problems in other areas.

Under the Policy, the management of flood liable land remains the responsibility of local government. The State subsidises flood mitigation works to alleviate existing problems and provides specialist technical advice to assist councils in the discharge of their floodplain management responsibilities.

The Policy provides for technical and financial support by the Government through the following four sequential stages:

  1. Flood Study: Determines the nature and extent of flooding.
  2. Floodplain Risk Management Study: Evaluates management options for the floodplain in respect of both existing and proposed development.
  3. Floodplain Risk Management Plan: Involves formal adoption by Council of a plan of management for the floodplain.
  4. Implementation of the Plan: Construction of flood mitigation works to protect existing development. Use of Local Environmental Plans to ensure new development is compatible with the flood hazard.

Weddin Shire Council has commissioned the following Flood Studies and Risk Management Plans:

Emu Creek Flood Study

Bimbi Village Flood Study

Bimbi Village Flood Risk Management Study and Plan - Final Report (November 2022)

Volume 1(PDF, 1MB)

Volume 2(PDF, 62MB)

Bimbi Flood Study - Final Report (November 2022)

Volume 1(PDF, 7MB)

Volume 2(PDF, 52MB)




Company Dam is owned and operated by Weddin Shire Council. The dam’s catchment area is relatively small with a catchment area of approximately 350 ha. The dam was upgraded in December 2005 and the works included a 0.5 m dam raising, construction of a concrete spillway sill and construction of a fuse plug spillway to increase the dam’s flood release capacity. The dam’s original purpose was the major water supply for Grenfell, while currently serves the community as a recreational dam.

Company Dam is a declared dam assigned HIGH C Sunny Day Consequence Category (SDCC) and HIGH C Flood Consequence Category (FCC) under the NSW Dams Safety Act (2015) and in accordance with the ANCOLD Dam Safety Management Guidelines (2003). Weddin Shire Council, as the owner and operator of the dam, is responsible for ensuring the overall safety of Company Dam.

The Annual Dams Safety Standards Report demonstrates the declared dam owner's compliance with the dam safety standards set out in the Dams Safety Regulation 2019 (the Regulation). Every year, declared dam owners must lodge a separate report for each of their declared dams with Dams Safety NSW by 31 March. The report covers the period 1 January to 31 December of the previous calendar year. There is a regulatory requirement to Publish the report demonstrating compliance with the dams safety standards.

Annual Dams Safety Standards Report

Weddin Shire Council's Lodged Annual Dams Safety Standards Reports: