Kerbside Collection

Council's garbage truck collecting a garbage bin

Waste collection days in the town of Grenfell are:

Western side of town:

Garbage:  every Tuesday
Recycling: Monday (once a fortnight)

Eastern side of town:

Garbage:   every Thursday
Recycling:  Friday (once a fortnight)


The attached map will help you determine which side of town you are located in.

**Please note that the northern side of Dagmar Street is picked up with the eastern run schedule and the southern
side of Dagmar Street, all of Vaughn, Burrett and a small part of Weddin Street are picked up with the western run
schedule as 
shown on the map. 

  • Weddin Shire Council waste and recycling collection map


Waste collection days in the villages of Bimbi, Caragabal, Greenethorpe and Quandialla are:


Garbage:  Wednesday (alternating fortnightly)
Recycling: Wednesday (alternating fortnightly from 03/01/2024)


Garbage:  Wednesday (alternating fortnightly)
Recycling: Wednesday (alternating fortnightly from 03/01/2024)


Garbage:  Wednesday (alternating fortnightly)
Recycling: Wednesday (alternating fortnightly from 03/01/2024)


Garbage:  Wednesday (alternating fortnightly)
Recycling: Wednesday (alternating fortnightly from 03/01/2024)


Commercial Waste collection days in Grenfell are:

Commercial Grenfell:

Garbage:  alternating Monday/Tuesday each fortnight
                 every Thursday         

Recycling: Friday (once a fortnight)