Published on 04 January 2023
A section 68 is a local approval under the Local Government Act 1993, which specifies a range of activities where approvals are required to be obtained from the local Council. The administration of the Policy for Footpath Restaurants and Street Trading is an important local approval policy within our local government area to regulate the use of public assets and ensuring the safety for all of those involve.
At the December 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting a Notice of Motion was put forward by Councillor Jason Kenah proposing the waiving of the application fee for the administration of the Policy for Footpath Restaurants and Street Trading for businesses in the Main Street, Grenfell. With the support of the Council, this motion was resolved by Council as per Resolution 310/22:
Resolution 310/22
Moved: Cr Kenah
Seconded: Cr Cook
That Council:
The fee waiver does not forego the business’ responsibilities to ensure public liability and safety for our community. The administration of the s. 68 local approval process allows Council to regulate public land usage by ensuring businesses have up-to-date public liability insurances to utilise the public space. Street trading through tables and chairs and signage is a great way to promote our businesses in our Main Street, Grenfell.
As per s. 610E and s.610F of the Local Government Act 1993, Council must give public notice for a period of 28 days (to 1 February 2023) of this fee waiver.
In accordance with s. 705 of the Local Government Act 1993, a copy of the Council Business Paper can be found at: - 15 December 2022 Ordinary Meeting or a printed copy including this Public Notice can be requested at the Weddin Shire Council, Cnr Weddin and Camps Streets, Grenfell.
Noreen Vu
4 January 2023