Published on 06 June 2024
Weddin Shire Council has received advice that the Weddin local government area has been proposed as a location for a field trial of wheat genetically modified (GM) for increased tolerance to environmental stress. Licence application DIR 204 was submitted by Trigall Australia Pty Ltd.
The Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan
Community comments are now being sought on the consultation version of the Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan (RARMP) that has been prepared by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR).
The consultation RARMP provides a comprehensive, science-based evaluation which concludes that the proposed field trial poses negligible risk to people or the environment. However, a range of draft licence conditions would limit the size, locations, and duration of the trial, as well as restrict the spread and persistence of the GMOs and the introduced genetic material.
Please note that the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator realise local governments do not usually have specialist scientific advice available to them. The purpose in consulting Weddin LGA is to make us aware of the application and to seek comment from people who are familiar with the area where the release could take place.
A summary of the consultation RARMP(PDF, 231KB) and a set of Questions and Answers(PDF, 120KB) on this application are attached for your information. The full consultation RARMP and supporting documents are available from my Office’s website, or copies can be provided on request by contacting the OGTR (details below).
Consultation on the Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan
The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator seek community comments on issues relating to the protection of human health and safety and the environment. Issues such as food safety and labelling, agricultural chemical use and marketability and trade implications do NOT fall within the scope of the evaluations conducted under the Act as these are the responsibility of other agencies and authorities.
As required by the Gene Technology Act 2000 (the Act), the Office of the Gene Technology regulator have also sought advice on the RARMP from a number of prescribed agencies and authorities, and will be issuing a public invitation for written submissions on the RARMP via electronic and print media, including The Australian.
As the consultation RARMP has not identified a significant risk to human health and safety or the environment from the proposed release, the Act specifies a minimum public consultation period of 30 days. However, the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator are allowing 6 weeks for written comments to be lodged with their Office. The closing date for submissions is 16 July 2024; please forward all submissions, feedback and comments directly to the Gene Technology Regulator Office at
Written submissions can be provided either by email or to the contact details below (quoting application number DIR 204). Please note that if the Weddin Shire LGA advice is not received within the time period, the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator will proceed with the decision-making process.
If you have any questions in relation to this consultation process or the RARMP, please contact the OGTR (details below).
Gene Technology Regulator
4 June 2024
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator
MDP 54 GPO Box 9848 CANBERRA ACT 2601
Telephone: 1800 181 030 E-mail:
OGTR website