Media Release - Mary Gilmore Way, Grenfell NSW
Published on 26 July 2023
MEDIA RELEASE(PDF, 143KB) | Transport for NSW Media Release | 18 JULY 2023
Lower speed limits for safer trips approaching Grenfell
The speed limits on a southern approach to Grenfell will be lowered for all vehicles to improve safety for road users and local residents.
Transport for NSW conducted a speed zone review along a 1.78-kilometre section of Mary Gilmore Way following a request by a resident via Weddin Shire Council.
The resident expressed concern that the 100 km/h speed limit along that section of Mary Gilmore Way was unsuitable for the increasing number of heavy vehicles approaching Grenfell from the south.
Transport for NSW Regional Director West Alistair Lunn said the review assessed a number of factors including location, crash history, road environment, the number of access points, road usage, traffic mix and traffic volumes.
“The review found the existing 100 km/h speed limit was no longer appropriate and that a combination of lower speed limits as vehicles got closer to town was needed to mitigate the risks for all road users and residents living along Mary Gilmore Way,” Mr Lunn said.
“As a result of the review, the 50 km/h speed limit on Mary Gilmore Way on the way out of Grenfell will be extended a further 590 metres to 50 metres south of Holy Camp Road where a new 80 km/h speed limit will begin and continue to 150 metres south of Eualdrie Road.
“From there the speed limit will revert to the existing 100 km/h that is the standard on rural roads.”
The new reduced speed limits will come into effect from Monday 24 July with new roadside signage to be installed.
Members of the community can sign up to receive the latest updates on speed limit changes in their nominated area and to have their say on speed limits.
More information is available here.
Media contact: (02) 9462 6299