Published on 05 August 2024





As we go into the September 2024 Local Government Elections, I will not be contesting in these elections and will no longer be holding office after this time. It has been my greatest pleasure and pride to represent the Weddin Shire Council as Mayor since the start of this Council term. The Council term has come with its challenges and opportunities. I have been proud to lead our elected members and serve our community. We faced a number of challenges at the beginning of this current term with the Grenfell Main Street Project but overcame this adversity with the completion of this project and official opening and celebration in November 2023.

As a Council, we unanimously voted and agreed to employ our new (now not so new) General Manager who has led the business since commencing in July 2022. I have enjoyed working closely with our General Manager and delivering on improved services, engagement and connection across our community under Ms Noreen Vu’s leadership of our business.

We came back as a community following COVID-19 with our Henry Lawson Festival of Arts over the June long weekend. The Light Up the Night in 2023 was the highlight of my calendar as we saw social cohesion and Weddin lit up in the night sky and with over 2,500 attendees mostly from our community who beamed with such pride of what we had just delivered.

In August and September 2022, we were hit with flood damages across our road networks, resulting in close to $50 million worth of damages (State Highways, regional and local roads). This continues to present a challenge with our ability to recover as we work with the NSW Government to recoup the costs to fix the roads which councils across the state do not have the funds to fix ourselves.

I know that for many of our community members and business owners, the bounce back after drought, COVID-19 and floods has been a long road, and a road still travelled. I ask that you trust the process of what a democratic system allows for leaders in our community to represent us to lead us through the next chapter.

The lodgement of nominations for the next elections officially opens on Monday 5 August 2024 and closes on Wednesday 14 August 2024 (at 12pm). I encourage you to stand. If you have something to say about how Council can be doing it better. Stand and represent. A contested election is a good outcome for our democratic society.

Lastly, I want to thank the Councillors who have sat alongside me in the Chambers as we have adopted and endorsed strategic actions for Weddin’s future. I want to particularly thank Deputy Mayor, Cr Paul Best who at times, has had to step in for me and also for your comradery.

Personally, I want to thank my wife, Kelly and our kids. I have made the decision to step away to spend more time with my family and to enjoy some time to travel. I very much look forward to this next stage of life.

I wish all candidates contesting in the next election the best of luck.


Cr Craig Bembrick



5 August 2024 


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