Progress has formally commenced on the eastern side of the Main Street. The ‘top end’ works will begin from today (Monday 13 March 2023) onwards. Our Project Engineers are based down at the Hub and are continually having contact with our local businesses on the progress of the Main Street. If you have any questions, please feel free to pop in to see Bob and Mike. Our General Manager is also based down at the Hub once a month on the first Monday of the month.
To help you understand how the project is tracking, some questions and answers are provided below.
How do you plan to stage the project?
Similar to the “bottom end”, the works will be conducted in chains/segments. Traffic will be flowing in both directions during the construction period.
Will parking be impacted?
Depending on where we are working, parking may be limited in places. We will initiate more detailed discussions regarding the pedestrian and parking offset with the local businesses, similar to how we have managed it at the ‘bottom end’. We acknowledge that works near the Mawhood’s IGA will be an inconvenience due to the large amount of traffic and we are looking at alternative parking offsets once we get closer to the area. We will keep you all updated via the Grenfell Record, Facebook or our website.
Will you be using a rigid pavement (lean mix concrete)?
Yes, with asphalt to be laid following the rigid pavement (lean mix concrete) works.
Are the trees being removed?
After much consideration and the road design, it was agreed that the existing trees would be removed. The beautification of the Main Street at the ‘top end’ will be similar to the ‘bottom end, with stratavault landscaping systems put in to ensure that new trees have the ability to grow without impacting on the pavement or underground services. There are currently spaces/gaps down at the ‘bottom end’ where our team and contractors have already installed the stratavault system below the ground. Once we finish the pavement, we will go back and plant new trees.
What about the last section at the bottom end?
The last sections outside of Grenfell South West Fuels and the Railway Hotel will be excavated and constructed once the surrounding pavement has had time to cure and is trafficable. Our intention is to return to the area in the coming days to finish off this section. It was important to ensure that traffic could enter from the Mid Western Highway at all times.
Where can I see the plans?
The Grenfell Main Street Renewal project is provided on Council’s website and can be found here: https://www.weddin.nsw.gov.au/files/assets/public/community/grenfell-main-street-renewal/grenfell-main-street-renewal-plans.pdf
How do I keep updated?
Please keep up to date through the Grenfell Record, Facebook or via our website: https://www.weddin.nsw.gov.au/Community/Grenfell-Main-Street-Renewal