Public Forum
Want to have your say at a Council meeting? At the start of every Ordinary meeting, Weddin Shire Council invites members of the public to speak on items of business that are to be considered during the meeting. This Public Forum is your opportunity to make a statement in support of, or against an item on the meeting Agenda, and/or ask a question in relation to an item on the meeting Agenda.
The Agenda and relevant business papers for all Council meetings are available for viewing on the Agendas & Minutes for Council Meetings page.
If you would like to address Council at a Public Forum, please complete and lodge COUNCIL FORM 3.1.1: Public Forum Application(PDF, 714KB) by 9:00am one (1) business day before the date of the relevant Council meeting. Applications may be submitted via one of the following: -
Weddin Shire Council
PO Box 125
Email: |
In person:
WSC Administration Office
73 Camp Street
Note: please allow for postal delivery timeframes if using this submission method to ensure your application reaches us in time.
Conditions of Conduct at Public Forums
Speakers are expected:
- to behave in a manner that does not cause any reasonable person unwarranted offence or embarrassment;
- to act lawfully, honestly and to exercise a degree of care and diligence in the comments made;
- to observe the highest standards of honesty and integrity and to avoid conduct (verbal/actions) that might suggest any departure from the key principles of conduct;
- to be frank, honest and open when presenting to Council;
- to avoid any behaviour that could be deemed to be an act of disorder or misbehaviour such as insults or personal reflections on or imputes improper motives when discussing others;
- to not behave in a manner that might be considered to be threatening to or harassment of Councillors or Council staff.
Persons who conduct themselves in a manner considered by any reasonable person to be disorderly will be expelled from the forum in a similar manner as that provided under section 233(3) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.